Women and Guns

By way of Tamara, TFS Magnum, Xavier and pretty much everyone else in Blogland, we discover that ABC News has (pardon the expression) gotten their panties in a bunch because the distaff side of the species seems to be discovering firearms.

I question how much of a recent development this is, considering that every woman in my circle of kith and kin when I was growing up was more than capable when it came to guns. Matter-of-fact, most every woman in my lineage has used a firearm to proper effect from Mom (hitting mines with a Lee-Enfield .303 off the coast of Malta ’cause she was bored) to Great Aunt Anne (famous in family history for blowing a Yankee [deleted] officer out of his saddle with a derringer after he decided to reach out and grab a hand-full of Great Aunt’s … architecture) to the frontier women who fought beside the menfolk against Indian attacks all the way back to the Highlands, and the Celts before.

So. Here’s ABC Snooze News, who actually doesn’t do that bad of a job from a male chauvinist pig you’ll-hurt-your-pretty-little-self point of view.


When did we, as a culture, decide that firearms were something that women required protection from?

And why is just firearms?

Driving down the freeway is every bit as dangerous to women as having a gun in the house — if not more so. Where are the bliss-ninnies to pontificate about women doing this?

More women are taking up SCUBA diving, freestyle climbing and BASE jumping. I await with bated breath the expose from the Mainstream Media inferring that women need to be protected from this kind of thing.

You and I both know that expose will never be written. Women are free to take up any hare-brained hobby they wish — as it should be — with nary a peep from the Media.

Any hobby, that is, except guns.

A woman can throw her body down a snowy-mountain slope at 80 EmPeeHaitch, around a motorcycle track at twice that or off a radio antenna with nothing but a “You go girl!” from the Media.

She cocks an eyebrow at a firearm and the Media goes flat barking bug-nuts about the dangers. Bugnuts to the point of inventing statistics and falsifying facts.

Odd, that.

By-the-by, whichever editor at ABC Snooze News included the quote from Little Sarah One-Note ought to be sent to Coventry.

“According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, it’s at least 20 times more likely that you’ll use your weapon to shoot someone in your home rather than using it to protect yourself from an intruder.”

By definition, an ‘intruder’ IS someone in your home. They have ‘intruded’ into the home.

How. The hell. Can you be “20 times more likely to shoot someone in your home rather than using it to protect yourself from someone in your home”?

Sweet Shivering Shiva, the state of education in this country.



Sometimes, you have to go the distance for a buddy.

11 thoughts on “Women and Guns”

  1. “According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, it’s at least 20 times more likely that you’ll use your weapon to shoot someone in your home rather than using it to protect yourself from an intruder.”

    Doesn’t that mean that we should be seeing statistics that show hundreds of thousands of people being killed by their own guns? Who makes up this BS, anyway?

  2. What you don’t see is the bong that gets passed around the room at ABC News.

    Doesn’t matter how many inroads women have made outside of the house and into the rest of society, the Media still see guns as a Guy Thing (c)(tm). After all, guns are only in existence so men can compensate for their small penises and sadistically murder innocent living creatures, so why would pure, virginal, kind, caring, empathetic women want to pick up and play with, use and ENJOY such machines of DEATH? Remember, according to Leftists and the Media, a gun is an inanimate creature that uses mind control rays to cause people to pick them up and kill other people. Even the smallest .22 has the capability to turn the Dali Lama into a raging psychopath.

    And as for the Brady Bunch, remember their unofficial motto: “Doesn’t matter how much we lie, everyone but criminals and the government must get rid of their guns.” Well, excepting Sarah Brady, of course, who just had to make that perfectly innocent strawman purchase for a deer rifle.

  3. If guns are so much more likely to kill the owner or their family, then where are all of the dead cops and cop families? If we disarm the police, think of all the lives we could save…


  4. The news folks can’t stand the thought of a woman picking up one of those ‘violent’ handguns that kicks like a mule, and what if it kills someone? Please! Talk about politics and rhetoric. Nice post Lawdog!

  5. Guess we can now look forward to the MSM usin’ that woman in TN who murdered her preacher-husband in their home as an example of why women shouldn’t be anywhere near guns.

  6. The MSM and the leftist nanny state both need the people to be completely dependent upon them.

    So doing things like arming yourself for self defense and thinking for yourself get in the way of that dependency and thus their control.

  7. “pure, virginal, kind, caring, empathetic women” Thank you for such endearing acolades. And, as one of these women, all I can say is…

    Lock and load, Ladies.

    Kiki B.

  8. “pure, virginal, kind, caring, empathetic women” Thank you for such endearing acolades. And, as one of these women, all I can say is…

    Lock and load, Ladies.

    Kiki B.

  9. “Driving down the freeway is every bit as dangerous to women as having a gun in the house — if not more so. Where are the bliss-ninnies to pontificate about women doing this?”

    well somedays I get to thinking that just maybe, just maybe…

    Saw an interesting “study” that said men get twice as many tickets as women, but women get pulled over twice as often as men…

    Just a thought >;)

  10. I have to agree with the person who asks waht about the police.

    If it’s 20 times more likely to kill some one in your own home, why do so many cops kill so many innocent people in the streets stores and homes of the innocent, instead of in the homes of the police????????

    And have you noticed how many bullets them 6 shot hand guns hold the cops use????? Man I want one of those…….

    The cops put more holes in people in a crowd then a fish net has, and in less than 10 seconds without haveing to reload untill they finished shooting 5000 rounds….

    Damn I want one of those hand guns…….

    If they aint fully auto I want some of them finger steroids they use too…..

    All my good cop friends and I seem to be stuck with cave man era powdered pea shooters, and MuzLim Loaders that shoot rocks….

  11. I realize that I'm a little late with this post, but I just started reading your blog. To go on with what is wrong with this picture…
    I was raped when I was 16. When I turned 18, I wanted to get a gun to protect myself from something like that happening again. I was told by cretin people, that I should get a phone instead of a gun, because if I would have called 9-1-1 the incident would not have happened. Thank you for your support for me to carry a gun, and BEEP anyone that says I shouldn’t.

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